Telemetry unit with autonomous power supply

Inexpensive industrial telemetry unit BBT-8 with autonomous power supply, designed for 4000 communication sessions (hourly transmission 4-5 months / heating season) or every day for 5 years. A LI-PO battery is used as a power source, the cost of which, in comparison with similar telemetry units from other manufacturers, is up to 10 times cheaper.

The price indicated on the website is the indicative retail value of the goods. When ordering a batch of products, the cost of the device is agreed on an individual basis.

The telemetry system based on the BBT-8 unit collects and transmits data from the natural gas volume correctors located in the explosive zone to the server for collecting, processing and storing information via the GSM / GPRS network 1800/900 MHz.

Advantages of the BBT-8 telemetry unit:
  • Universal device for several types of correctors: Flogaz, Irvis, EK-270, TC-220, VKG-3T, UVP-280B.
  • Autonomous power supply (4000 communication sessions - hourly transmission 4-5 months / heating season or daily for 5 years).
  • Allows you to update the firmware by server command. When modifying the exchange protocols, the engineer of the service company can give a command to automatically update the software of all units.
  • It is a source of additional power supply for the gas volume correctors and the RS-485 interface, which allows the maximum saving of the resource of the internal power supply elements of the corrector.
  • nterrogates the corrector according to the established schedule, without contacting the server and analyzes the presence of emergency situations, if they occur in the corrector, it unscheduled communicates with the server and / or sends an SMS to the number specified in the settings.
The telemetry block provides:
  • transmission to the gas supplier's server via GPRS of consumption data on closed and open days from gas metering devices;
  • the data transfer schedule to the server can be promptly changed and is determined by the gas supplier;
  • support of various protocols for data transmission from gas volume correctors;
  • the possibility of online monitoring of parameters and gas volume. The polling mode of the calculator is set on the server, if necessary, it can be changed instantly using an SMS command (unlike analogs where the polling mode can be changed only during a scheduled communication session).
Scheme of using a telemetry system based on BBT-1⁄2⁄3⁄8


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