
Title Description Added
Electronic counting device with telemetry module Membrane natural gas meters with electronic counting device Rustechnology LLC (PDF format, A4, 2 pages) 14.01.2024
Pressure and temperature sensors BBT-DDT Operating principle, main characteristics, capabilities and advantages of using BBT-DDT sensors (PDF format, A4, 12 pages) 10.01.2024
Smart Solutions 2023 Brochure about the company, manufactured equipment and software systems (PDF format, A4, 36 pages) 09.01.2024
Блоки телеметрии ББТ-5 Преимущества и характеристики устройств 09.03.2025
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Universal server for data collection and processing System Administrator's Guide (PDF, A4, 52 pages) 19.07.2021
Universal server for data collection and processing System User Manual (PDF, A4, 17 pages) 18.07.2021
Universal server for data collection and processing WEB-API manual (PDF, A4, 23 pages) 17.07.2021
User account Instructions for registering and managing a user’s personal account for a telemetry system (PDF, A4, 4 pages) 13.05.2019
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Паспорт ББТ-9 ПП Паспорт блока телеметрии ББТ-9 ПП 13.09.2023
BBT-DDT EX passport Passport of the autonomous pressure and temperature sensor BBT-DDT EX 23.06.2020
BBT-DDT passport Passport of an autonomous pressure and temperature sensor BBT-DDT 21.06.2020
BBT-6 RVK passport Passport of the telemetry unit BBT-6 RVK 31.05.2020
BBT-6 passport Passport of the BBT-6 telemetry unit 10.05.2020
BBT-4 passport Passport of the telemetry unit BBT-4 04.05.2020
BBT-4-2X passport Passport of the telemetry unit BBT-4-2X 04.05.2020
BBT-5 passport Passport of the telemetry unit BBT-5 28.04.2020
BBT-5-2X passport Passport of the telemetry unit BBT-5-2X 28.04.2020
BBT-3 passport Passport of the telemetry unit BBT-3 27.03.2020
BBT-2 passport Passport of the BBT-2 telemetry unit 21.03.2020
BBT-1 passport Passport of the telemetry unit BBT-1 01.03.2020
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RosGazExpo-2019 - Diploma of the I degree Production of an autonomous pressure and temperature sensor. The best technical solutions. 16.10.2019
"TNF-2019" - Diploma of the III degree Production of an autonomous pressure and temperature sensor. The best technical solution. 24.09.2019
RosGazExpo-2018 - Diploma of the I degree A secure system for collecting, storing, analyzing data. The best complete solution in the field of energy. 17.10.2018
RosGazExpo-2018 - Diploma of the I degree Hardware-software complex "Smart Abonent". For successful software development. 16.10.2018
RosGazExpo-2017 - Diploma of the II degree Telemetry system for the domestic sector. The best completed project. 18.10.2017
RosGazExpo-2017 - Diploma of the I degree Virtualization of workplaces and IT infrastructure of the company. Energy efficiency. The best solutions and practices. 17.10.2017
RosGazExpo-2017 - Diploma of the I degree Telemetry system for the domestic sector. Advanced solutions for automated control systems. 16.10.2017
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Price Price list of products 08.02.2020
Certificate of conformity Certificate of conformity of products 01.01.2020
Сертификат ГАЗСЕРТ 09.03.2025
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Testimonial of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Kurgan LLC Отзыв о сотрудничестве по направлению "Бытовая телеметрия" 09.03.2025
Testimonial of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Makhachkala LLC Отзыв о сотрудничестве по направлению "Бытовая телеметрия" 09.03.2025
Review of the State Unitary Enterprise "Krymgazseti" Отзыв о сотрудничестве по направлению "Бытовая телеметрия" 09.03.2025
Feedback from State Unitary Enterprise "Sevastopolgaz" Отзыв о сотрудничестве по направлению "Промышленная телеметрия. Автономные датчики давления и температуры." 09.03.2025
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Смарт-решения 2021 Брошюра о компании, производимом оборудовании и программных комплексах (формат PDF, A4, 40 стр.) 15.12.2021
Защищенный сервер сбора данных 2021 Российская защищенная IoT платформа сбора телеметрических данных реализованная на базе Astra Linux SE 15.12.2021
Электронный счетный механизм с модулем телеметрии Счетчики природного газа, оборудованные электронным счетным механизмом "Рустехнология" 12.01.2021
Smart Solutions 2020 Brochure about the company, manufactured equipment and software systems (PDF, A4, 32 pages) 04.04.2020

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