Title | Description | Added |
Electronic counting device with telemetry module | Membrane natural gas meters with electronic counting device Rustechnology LLC (PDF format, A4, 2 pages) | 14.01.2024 |
Pressure and temperature sensors BBT-DDT | Operating principle, main characteristics, capabilities and advantages of using BBT-DDT sensors (PDF format, A4, 12 pages) | 10.01.2024 |
Smart Solutions 2023 | Brochure about the company, manufactured equipment and software systems (PDF format, A4, 36 pages) | 09.01.2024 |
Блоки телеметрии ББТ-5 | Преимущества и характеристики устройств | 09.03.2025 |
Title | Description | Added |
Universal server for data collection and processing | System Administrator's Guide (PDF, A4, 52 pages) | 19.07.2021 |
Universal server for data collection and processing | System User Manual (PDF, A4, 17 pages) | 18.07.2021 |
Universal server for data collection and processing | WEB-API manual (PDF, A4, 23 pages) | 17.07.2021 |
User account | Instructions for registering and managing a user’s personal account for a telemetry system (PDF, A4, 4 pages) | 13.05.2019 |
Title | Description | Added |
Паспорт ББТ-9 ПП | Паспорт блока телеметрии ББТ-9 ПП | 13.09.2023 |
BBT-DDT EX passport | Passport of the autonomous pressure and temperature sensor BBT-DDT EX | 23.06.2020 |
BBT-DDT passport | Passport of an autonomous pressure and temperature sensor BBT-DDT | 21.06.2020 |
BBT-6 RVK passport | Passport of the telemetry unit BBT-6 RVK | 31.05.2020 |
BBT-6 passport | Passport of the BBT-6 telemetry unit | 10.05.2020 |
BBT-4 passport | Passport of the telemetry unit BBT-4 | 04.05.2020 |
BBT-4-2X passport | Passport of the telemetry unit BBT-4-2X | 04.05.2020 |
BBT-5 passport | Passport of the telemetry unit BBT-5 | 28.04.2020 |
BBT-5-2X passport | Passport of the telemetry unit BBT-5-2X | 28.04.2020 |
BBT-3 passport | Passport of the telemetry unit BBT-3 | 27.03.2020 |
BBT-2 passport | Passport of the BBT-2 telemetry unit | 21.03.2020 |
BBT-1 passport | Passport of the telemetry unit BBT-1 | 01.03.2020 |
Title | Description | Added |
RosGazExpo-2019 - Diploma of the I degree | Production of an autonomous pressure and temperature sensor. The best technical solutions. | 16.10.2019 |
"TNF-2019" - Diploma of the III degree | Production of an autonomous pressure and temperature sensor. The best technical solution. | 24.09.2019 |
RosGazExpo-2018 - Diploma of the I degree | A secure system for collecting, storing, analyzing data. The best complete solution in the field of energy. | 17.10.2018 |
RosGazExpo-2018 - Diploma of the I degree | Hardware-software complex "Smart Abonent". For successful software development. | 16.10.2018 |
RosGazExpo-2017 - Diploma of the II degree | Telemetry system for the domestic sector. The best completed project. | 18.10.2017 |
RosGazExpo-2017 - Diploma of the I degree | Virtualization of workplaces and IT infrastructure of the company. Energy efficiency. The best solutions and practices. | 17.10.2017 |
RosGazExpo-2017 - Diploma of the I degree | Telemetry system for the domestic sector. Advanced solutions for automated control systems. | 16.10.2017 |
Title | Description | Added |
Price | Price list of products | 08.02.2020 |
Certificate of conformity | Certificate of conformity of products | 01.01.2020 |
Сертификат ГАЗСЕРТ | 09.03.2025 |
Title | Description | Added |
Testimonial of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Kurgan LLC | Отзыв о сотрудничестве по направлению "Бытовая телеметрия" | 09.03.2025 |
Testimonial of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Makhachkala LLC | Отзыв о сотрудничестве по направлению "Бытовая телеметрия" | 09.03.2025 |
Review of the State Unitary Enterprise "Krymgazseti" | Отзыв о сотрудничестве по направлению "Бытовая телеметрия" | 09.03.2025 |
Feedback from State Unitary Enterprise "Sevastopolgaz" | Отзыв о сотрудничестве по направлению "Промышленная телеметрия. Автономные датчики давления и температуры." | 09.03.2025 |
Title | Description | Added |
Смарт-решения 2021 | Брошюра о компании, производимом оборудовании и программных комплексах (формат PDF, A4, 40 стр.) | 15.12.2021 |
Защищенный сервер сбора данных 2021 | Российская защищенная IoT платформа сбора телеметрических данных реализованная на базе Astra Linux SE | 15.12.2021 |
Электронный счетный механизм с модулем телеметрии | Счетчики природного газа, оборудованные электронным счетным механизмом "Рустехнология" | 12.01.2021 |
Smart Solutions 2020 | Brochure about the company, manufactured equipment and software systems (PDF, A4, 32 pages) | 04.04.2020 |