Telemetry unit with a controllable valve

The telemetry unit with a controlled valve transmits data on the consumed gas via a GSM or NB-IoT channel, as well as remote control of the valve, depending on the state of the subscriber's personal account.

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Gas meter valve

A universal valve for gas meters with a built-in telemetry unit BBT-6 RVK with the ability to set up a data transmission schedule to the server and remote control of the valve position.

Purpose and scope

The telemetry unit BBT-6 RVK with a controlled valve is designed to control the consumption of natural gas at household metering centers and transmit the received information via a GSM / GPRS cellular communication channel to the data collection server and AWP of the operator and other users of the telemetry system.

The scope of the device is commercial and technological gas metering at public utilities facilities. The transfer of data to the collection, processing and storage of information is carried out using NB-IoT or GPRS technology.

The telemetry unit BBT-6 RVK is used in gas metering systems together with RBGU gas meters. The unit's data exchange with the server is carried out in the packet data transmission mode GPRS mode. Gas consumption data is sent to the collection and storage server, as well as the operator's workstation and other users of the telemetry system. With the help of BBT-6 RVK, it is possible to remotely stop the gas supply for late payment for the consumed gas at the command of the operator or system administrator.

Configurable parameters:
  • Schedule data transmission to the server.
  • Remote control of valve position.
Main advantages:
  • Supports digital protocol for gas meter data transmission and pulse counting capabilities.
  • The use of a controlled valve increases the percentage of timely payments for consumed gas.
  • The battery life is up to 10 years (depending on the frequency of data transmission and the number of valve opening / closing cycles).
  • Determination and indication of valve position by pressing the control button.
  • Closing the valve on command from the server, request for opening by long pressing of the control button.
  • The valve opening / closing time is no more than 1 s.


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