Industry meeting of chief metrologists of PJSC Gazprom
On September 5–9, 2022, Samara hosted an off-site industry meeting of chief metrologists and heads of chemical analytical (testing) laboratories of PJSC Gazprom's subsidiaries and organizations.
The event was attended by representatives of the relevant Department, production, gas transmission and processing subsidiaries, specialized state institutions, Russian manufacturers of measuring instruments.
Our company made a presentation "BBT telemetry units - all inclusive", which presented a simultaneous solution of 6 main tasks for the implementation of telemetry devices:
- Simplify implementation (installation and commissioning of products)?
- Reduce the cost of GSM traffic?
- Ensure maximum equipment reliability?
- Guarantee maximum equipment security?
- Implement integration into information management systems "IUSTSIFRA", "IMUS" and "AIS Regiongaz", "SCADA ANT"?
- Get the lowest cost of solution ownership?
BBT telemetry units - how everything is implemented:
- All devices are delivered already activated and ready for use.
- Minimum optimized traffic. SIM-card (chip-SIM) is prepaid for the entire period of operation of the device (5 or 10 years).
- To ensure reliability, the board and the SIM card are coated with a two-component Vixint silicone compound.
- The core of the operating system of the data collection and processing server is implemented on the basis of the domestic platform Astra Linux Special Edition (certified according to the information security requirements of the FSTEC and the Federal Security Service of Russia up to the level of “state secrets”).
- The Russian database management system PostgrePro is used (the DBMS is certified according to the security requirements of information security tools of the FSTEC of Russia), which makes it easy to scale the server system.
- A secure protocol with device identification is used, “hard sealing”, control is provided for changing the geo-location of the device.
- The use of the internal operating system of the telemetric and GSM processors made it possible to reduce power consumption up to 3 times, as well as reduce the cost of the product up to 2 times.
SIM card control and management:
- Detailed statistics and traffic details for the selected period in graphical and tabular form.
- Setting and managing data transfer limits.
- Device location control (width, longitude and base station location code).
- Choosing a GSM operator online.
- Network logs (information about the device authentication network, including technologies used (2G, 3G, 4G).
Integration and external interaction
The free server software is integrated with the IUSCIFRA information and control system via REST-API, the IMUS and AIS Regiongaz systems through automatic data export/import, as well as the ANT SCADA system.
The Web API is implemented as a REST-API data package for exchange in the form of JSON. Authentication is based on a dynamically updated token, which guarantees the security of the received data and prevents the token from leaking.
Implemented the ability to receive data through a cross-platform OPC UA server of our own design using a SCADA client.
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