Data Server
Unified server data collection system for industrial and household gas metering units.
Automated system of commercial gas metering (ASKUG) - a protected domestic solution

The core of the data collection and processing server operating system is implemented on the basis of the domestic platform Astra Linux Special Edition (the OS is certified in accordance with the information security requirements of the FSTEC of Russia).
The domestic DBMS PostgrePro is used (the DBMS is certified according to the security requirements of information protection means by the FSTEC of Russia), which makes it easy to scale the server system.
The server software is OpenSource. Installation on existing server platforms as a virtual server is possible without purchasing new equipment.
Server for collecting data from household energy metering units
Telemetry server, automated data collection from gas metering units and control of telemetry units.
We offer a ready-made server solution for gas meters Elster, Vector, Omega, Agat, UBSG, Grand, Berestye, RusBelGaz, Itron, Signal, GazStroyNeft, Vega, Schetpribor SGD / SGM and others.
- The certified software is used.
- Remote WEB administration.
- There is no need to install additional software on the workstations of specialists.

Scheme of the system for collecting data from household energy metering units:

Collecting and processing data from the transmitting telemetry modules
A universal solution for household and industrial energy meters, gas volume correctors equipped with a digital interface. The system already includes correctors: Elster EK and TS, Signal Flougaz, Ultramag, VKG-3T, VKG, Irvis, Turbulence-Don, as well as digital household gas meters Skymeter, Gazdevice, Signal, Schetpribor, Elster, Itron, RusBelGaz.
100% compliance with the "Standard technical requirements of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz" LLC dated 24.01.2020 was ensured.

Technical capabilities of the universal server
- Maximum performance and system reliability.
- The transport TCP-IP protocol and the MQTT communication protocol are used.
- The traffic is minimized by transmitting only incremental data.
- Telemetry modules operate in a single subnet of IP addresses (for GPRS, 3G) and over UDP for NB-IoT networks.
- All the logic of work - the functions of reading and processing data transmitted from metering devices, are performed on a secure collection server.
- Convenient and quick addition to the server of support for new types of devices and data exchange protocols without the participation of developers.
- Algorithm of the diversity of communication sessions to avoid congestion in GSM networks.
Advantages of a transmitting telemetry module
- Universal single board solution.
- The board can be adapted for any type of membrane natural gas meter.
- A single type of telemetry module for all types of energy metering devices.
- Power consumption is minimized by implementing a special retransmission algorithm to prevent battery discharge.
- Separate power supply system for the telemetry unit. At the moment of data transmission, the counting controller receives power from the battery of the telemetry module, thus the polling frequency does not affect the battery life of the metrological part.
Functional diagram of the telemetry broadcasting module:

The developed universal server module fully complies with the following regulatory technical requirements:
Typical technical requirements of Gazprom mezhregiongaz, LLC for household gas meters Approved by the order of Gazprom mezhregiongaz, LLC dated January 24, 2020 No. 81-R / 4.
Requirements of FSTEC of Russia, Order of FSTEC of Russia No. 31 dated March 14, 2014
Requirements for adaptation to the gas supply system of the Russian Federation. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Gas Supply in the Russian Federation" dated March 31, 1999 No. 69-FZ.

Key features of the application software
- Universal module for scheduling communication sessions.
- Archive of hourly consumption readings, as well as a consolidated archive of consumption (by months / days / hours).
- Data exchange is carried out using a secure HTTPS protocol.
- Automatic uploading of the received data to the 1C system or another existing billing system of the enterprise.
- The software is OpenSource.
Administration system
The system is administered via a secure HTTPS protocol through a web browser. User authorization is implemented by means of Astra Linux Special Edition. There are no third-party software bookmarks, modules and libraries.
User hierarchy
User administration is based on the principles of role-based access control (RBAC), in which each user is assigned a specific set of rights and powers. At the head is a company administrator who can manage users within his enterprise.
Hierarchy of GTS
The system provides real-time metering of natural gas consumption by the objects of the gas transmission system, inheriting the hierarchical principle of connection.
Universal report form
The module for working with the universal report form allows the user to select data according to specified criteria (Company, Telemetry unit, Resource, Time period) and view it (including in printed form) in a grouped form in the Table-GRID model.
The request form allows you to set the selection criteria and hierarchical data presentation in the Table-GRID format.

Consolidated report
The module for working with the summary report form allows the user to select data according to specified criteria (Company, Telemetry unit) and view it in a grouped form.

The following groupings are available:
- Company → Branch → Year → Month → Day → Hour
- КCompany → Branch → Resource → Year → Month → Day → Hour
- Company → Year → Month → Day → Hour
- Company → Resource → Year → Month → Day → Hour
- Company-> Resource-> Branch-> Year-> Month-> Day-> Hour
The procedure for transferring the server software "Data collection server"
Implementation period is 3 months
1. Registration of a license for the Data Collection Server software, including the following components:
- "Server for collecting data from household energy metering units"
- "Collection and processing of data from broadcasting telemetry modules"
- "Mobile application "Smart-Abonent".
2. Transfer of the program code of all software components to the Customer.
3. Assigning developers to each of the components , in order to train the customer's programmers.
4. Training of specialists (software engineers) of the Customer in maintenance and modification of software components.
5. At the request of the Customer: support, modification, consulting specialists.
6. Training of specialists of Meter Manufacturers on the universal data transfer protocol, so that meter manufacturers can configure telemetry on their own with the operation of the Data Collection Server software.
7. Commercial operation.
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